Linux Installation Guide

Linux Installation Guide for the RCbenchmark software:

1) Check which version of Linux you are running

Run the following command on terminal:

uname –m

This displays the machine hardware name and indicates, as above, whether your system is 32-bit (“i686” or “i386”) or 64-bit (“x86_64”).
alt Linux Version Drone Test and Calibration Software

2) Download the Linux software according to your version

Important: the software will not open if you have the incorrect version.

3) Give permissions to the installer using one of the two methods (terminal or GUI)

a) Terminal method

Run the following commands in the terminal:

cd directory of installation

chmod +x RCbenchmarkGUI-1.0.0-linux-x64/

b) GUI method

Right click on the application and press “Properties”

alt Properties Drone Test and Calibration Software

Click on the permissions tab.

alt Permission Drone Test and Calibration Software

Click on the checkbox

alt Checkbox Drone Test and Calibration Software

3) Start the program

Go to the installation folder. You should be able to open the RCbenchmark.desktop file as a program. If not, repeat the above steps to enable the permissions for this file. If the GUI does not appear, it is possible you used the incorrect App version (32/64 bit) for your platform.

We had reports that launching the program with sudo and –no-sandbox options is necessary on some machines.

Additionally, you may also need to grant permissions (chmod +x) to the RCbenchmark.Desktop file which is created in the installation folder, not just to the installer file.

If you have issues when connecting to the board, a full restart may be needed.

This guide was tested with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

